Five Things You Can Do to Get Ready for the Holidays

Everyone has a different view on this, but as a design-oriented and opinionated person, this is my list of five things you can do to get ready for the holidays.

1.    Put Away the Crap.


Everyone likes to personalize their home with items that allow them to express themselves. This can be a lot of fun and allows you to really enjoy being at home, especially if you are working from home these days. When I entertain or expect to entertain, I like to keep in mind that not everyone wants to see all of the crap I have collected over the years. Think of this as accessorizing. If you were going to accessorize and you really wanted to show off a new watch, would you also wear a bunch of bracelets and a new pair of shoes as well as a cool pair of sunglasses, or would you just let your watch speak for itself? This is not necessarily a guide to getting ready for a specific holiday as much as it is a general rule. I know people who throw a Thanksgiving event, and they have Christmas stuff up too early, Halloween stuff that has not been put away birthday stuff, and even welcoming the new year from the previous year. This is my opinion, but I think you should get rid of the crap. Find a home for those cherished pieces, take them out again next year, and enjoy celebrating what you’re celebrating.

2.    Picking Your Colours.

No, this is not about your wedding colors, but I guess it’s pretty similar. Whether it’s your wedding or not, it’s about getting organized mentally. Whenever you see those gorgeous pictures on social media or in the magazine of people decorating for the holidays, it looks so seamless, doesn’t it? It is as if they designed the entire house for the purpose of having that holiday. That’s the point. Pick the theme.



If you’re planning to doa Christmas party and you really like Disney, do you really need to make the Disney+ Christmas party by inviting Star Wars and Marvel? Would it be appropriate at this Christmas party to also have an antique nativity scene, or can we clean this up and make it look a little bit more organized? Pick your favourite pieces and use those for inspiration so you can decorate with a purpose.

3.    Closet Space.


So, people are coming over or even just potentially dropping by? Where are you going to store those extra jackets? How many jackets does each person living there need to have on hand? I’m sure this probably seems like a silly thing to mention, but are you going to throw jackets on the back of a couch, on the floor, or on the railing?

4.    Clean Out The Fridge.

I know I’m a complete weirdo, but something I love to do is clean out the fridge. It’s a great opportunity to do it during the holidays andany other time people are coming over. These days, refrigerators are getting bigger and bigger. You could say families are getting bigger, but I don’t believe they are. What’s getting bigger is the portion sizing. Years ago, we had a much smaller plate. That being said, we need more food to fit on those large plates, especially if you’re having people over. With the appetizers, mains, and sides, not to mention desserts, this is a lot of extra food, especially if you are entertaining. Keep in mind this is the time of year you bring out those bigger serving trays you keep above the fridge or in the basement. That means if you were keeping them in the refrigerator stocked with food, you would need to be able to make room for them.

If you are one of the lucky people who does a lot of entertainment and has multiple refrigerators or a nice commercial-style kitchen in your home, you probably won’t have to worry about this, but it is still a great idea to get rid of any leftovers and stuff your family is no longer interested in eating before you open your refrigerator to extended family and friends who are coming over during the holidays. At the same time, this is a great time to find the lids for all your Tupperware so you can send leftovers with your guests or at least have a place to store them when you want to keep those delicious leftovers.

5.    Set Up The Bathroom.

I’m not entirely sure why I need to write this, but I believe I do. Assume people, after eating your delicious food, will want to make room for dessert. And assume they are your in-laws who will be judging the way your bathroom looks completely. Give yourself some time to properly get the bathroom ready, including any deodorizing or freshening spray, and pretend it is the beginning of COVID-19 and you’re going to run out of toilet paper. You probably will.  Also, test your toilet and make sure your guest bathroom toilet or powder room toilet is functioning correctly. If it’s not fixed or replaced, nothing is more embarrassing for your guest than doing a courtesy flush again and again just to realize your bathroom does not work properly. Fresh towels are a must, and it comes in handy to have more than one so that everyone is not washing their hands with the same wet towel. You don’t have to be like a hotel during COVID-19, giving everyone a fresh towel, but the least you could do is give them more than one. Also, I would highly suggest making sure you have a garbage can in there, as the last thing you want is people flushing anything they don’t have to down your toilet, potentially leaving you with a clog because there’s nowhere else to discard something. Again, I think this was completely unnecessary to need to write, but we all know that person that if they invite us over, we use the bathroom six times before we leave and then stop at the gas station on the way home because no one wants to be that person having to use their bathroom. Don’t be that person.

I know I come across as vain, and I should probably just be happy to see my friends and family when they come over without judging them, but I have a way better time when people come to my place, and I don’t have to worry about what they might be thinking of me. It also makes you feel like a million bucks when all you have to do is sit back and enjoy all your hard work while hearing compliments about how nice your place is.

Give it a go this holiday and let me know if you have any other tips. I’d love to add them in for next year.



Intelligent Designs